This is the original English lyrics of the Make a Wonderful Day song written by Molly Hamilton. The words are a simple recipe for making a wonderful day each and every day of your life.
Make A Wonderful Day® – Lyrics (Mandarin)
Thanks to the translation services of Lily Lee from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, the Make a Wonderful Day lyrics are now available in Mandarin. Lily has done her best to maintain the integrity and musicality of the song in her translation. This provides Chinese people all over the world with the opportunity to sing and […]
Make A Wonderful Day® – Lyrics (Ghana TWI)
Thanks to the translation services and this kind donation from Diana Hopeson of Ghana, West Africa, the Make a Wonderful Day lyrics are now available in Ghana TWI. Diana is a very well known and respected singer in Ghana. She is currently a board member for the Ghana Music Awards and the National Theater. She […]
Make A Wonderful Day® – Lyrics (Danish)
Thanks to the translation services and this kind donation from Flemming Frederiksen of Denmark, the Make a Wonderful Day lyrics are now available in Danish. I was introduced to Flemming through a good friend and big supporter, Brigette Michie. Flemming is a musician in Denmark who felt a connection with the purpose of our project […]