Your story is a most impactful inspiration for us, as it has been and continues to be a captivating and motivating vehicle for us to think larger than life. The words of the song teach a wonderful message. Identifying that we have a choice in life to be positive and spread happiness is also very […]
Leo Peters
I love your song. It is not only very uplifting and therapeutic it is very catchy and fun to listen to. I play it every morning. And when my wife is feeling stressed I play it for her. She asks for it, when I forget. It has made a huge difference in our lives. The […]
Dan Wolfe
Hello Molly, Thank you for sharing your song with me and the world. I thought it was indeed a wonderful song. I have not taken the time to share the song with people yet but every time I hear the song, I think how wonderful it would be if we all thought this way. I […]
Chris Cribb
Hi Molly, I use the music as background sound for the vision board I have on my computer. I received feedback from one of my colleagues who also liked it very much. She commented that it had a really happy sound to it and made her feel really good. Make it an awesome day! Christopher […]
Benjamin Yu
Great song. I was wondering if you would do motivational songs. For example, songs that will tell you to just get up and do it and it will manifest, like Oprah says and other things. We all know that songs go deep into our subconscious and I wouldn’t mind having a CD that is full […]
Molly, The song is fantastic; as a matter of fact I am listening as I respond. I listen when I get up and before I go to bed. I listen whenever I need a pick me up. I listen to it a lot. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a happy […]
John Su
I personally listen to it everyday or at least every other day to kick start my day. What its done for me is pick me up in down times. Whenever I begin to think, “Man that was tough or any downer thoughts” even before a complete recall and emotional experience occurs, your voice comes in […]
Cheryl Valk
“Make a Wonderful Day keeps me consciously aware of how each of us can make a difference within our own lives and throughout the world. I find myself thinking of making a wonderful day at random times throughout each day. Knowing that Make a Wonderful Day will reach many people and organizations around the globe […]
J Charlton
I think your song and your whole concept is great! I did send it to my sister and she thought it was great as well. It actually caught her on a bad day, she said it lifted her spirits for awhile. I’m already a pretty happy optimistic person, so you’re total project has bigger impact […]
Susan Arnison
Hi Molly – what an upbeat song! I’ve finally got this in my ipod music today and I’m sure it will be a favorite. As for its impact on me… well its making me wonder what big (or even small) things I should be doing to change my world and how that can and would […]
Imelda Church
Hi Molly, I’m the one that said hi to you at the movie night at HUB. Yes we do play your song every morning before going to work. WOW it just gives a great outlook of our day in a very positive way!!! We love this song — we shared it with some friends and […]
Loretta Sorochan
Hi Molly I just had to tell you about the reception that your song has produced! EVERYONE is enthused about it and wants to get their family or friends a copy. My son’s mother-in-law is a music teacher and wants to use it. She thanked me profusely for a copy. Then I left a copy […]
Denise Jonasson
Your song comes to my mind when I’m having good days and not so good days as it reminds me that it is my choice to decide what kind of day I want to have. The actual words “make a wonderful day” come to my mind. This is my feedback to you before I listen […]
Birgitte Michie
Has “Make a Wonderful Day” made a difference in my life? Definitely yes. In many subtle ways that are hard to describe – it must be the energy of the song that has that effect. In more concrete ways: whenever I feel a bit down, the song cheers me up; when I wake up in […]